Pay Carriers faster

lower operating costs Processing Invoices

 reduce R&D effort 

go to market fast!!!

The Load Manager goes beyond just uploading, organizing and managing documents.’s Load Document Manager

  1. Allows users to transmit documents to any 3rd party.
  2. Automatically creates invoices during the transmission process
  3. Allows carriers to get paid faster with our network of partnered brokers, factoring companies and shippers.
  4.  Auto generates audit analytics so brokers, factorer and shippers can  make faster payment decisions.
  5. Connects to Quickbooks, Netsuite, Zoho and proprietary payments software to perform automatic Account Payment Setup.
  6. Provides payment status to carriers

Our SDK will help you get setup quickly (Download). 

See Demo of Load Manager


The DUKE Standalone Web Load Menu is a web app that can drag-n-dropped into an existing web server with little configuration. No installation of existing tools required to set up and deploy the application. Setup is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Set up a developer account with our support team to get development credentials. 2. Add your developer credentials to your existing server. 3. Download our SDK and upload it to your web server to get started!


  • Our SDK works effortlessly with your existing web application. No need to jump through hoops to integrate!
  • Seamless integration between applications. Users do not get blocked with another login screen.
  • One bill to rule them all. All customer activity is consolidated into a single bill.

Contents of Repo

  • standalone/: The Load Menu SDK that can be implanted on a company web server
    • loadcorp/: A sample CRM to test authentication/integration
    • images/: Images used in this README
    • scripts/: Example code snippets
    • swagger.yaml: OPEN-API file to describe interfacing with the DUKE login server

Web Server Setup

The web files are fully built can can be copied over to the web server. The background images and logo can be changed to match company colors.

Copy to Your Company Server

  1. Clone the repo to your machine.
  2. Use an FTP protocol to copy the entire ./standalone directory to the desired location on your web server.

Changing Logos

  • Background image and the corner logo are controlled by ./standalone/custom.css.
    • You can change the logo by replacing one/both of the following files:
    • ./standalone/custom-logo.png; The logo file in the upper left
    • ./standalone/custom-background.jpg; The main background of the webpage
    • ./standalone/custom.css; Change the filenames here if the extensions are different.
Download the REACT SDK and follow the simple steps found in the file